برچسب: Pentest

SEC542 provides hands-on training for identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities in web applications while teaching the ethical hacking techniques necessary to secure them. Participants will explore critical areas such as injection flaws, cross-site scripting (XSS), authentication bypasses, and security misconfigurations. The course includes advanced topics like automated scanning, manual testing techniques, and analyzing modern web technologies such as APIs, frameworks, and single-page applications. Through practical labs and real-world scenarios, SEC542 equips security professionals with the skills to assess web applications effectively and provide actionable remediation strategies to strengthen overall security posture.

ادامه مطلب

Smart Contract Hacking is a comprehensive online course that teaches you how to secure, hack, and use blockchain and smart contract technology. The course covers the fundamentals of blockchain, the popular Ethereum coding language Solidity, and the tools and techniques for auditing and exploiting smart contracts. You will learn how to deploy, scan, and test various blockchain implementations and protocols, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, Cosmos, Near, NFTs, DeFi, and Web3. You will also get access to hands-on exercises, challenges, and quizzes to reinforce your learning and gain practical experience. By the end of the course, you will have the skills and knowledge to become a proficient web3 security professional.


Career Paths
Environment & Dev Tools
Exercises Guidelines
Tokens crash course: ERC20
Tokens crash course: ERC721
ReEntrsncy Attacks
Arithmetic over/underflow
Phishing Attacks
Randomness Vulnerabilities
Access Control & Default Visibility
DEFI Crash Course: DEXes
DEFI Crash Course: Money Markets
Replay Attacks
Flash Loans & Flash Swaps
Flash Loan Attacks
Denial of Service
Sensitive On-Chain Data
Unchecked Return Value
DAO & Governance Attacks
Oracle Manipulation
Call / Delegate call Attacks

Smart Contract Hacking Course

ادامه مطلب

SEC504 is a foundational course that provides a comprehensive understanding of the tools and techniques used by attackers, as well as strategies for detecting and responding to cyber incidents. The course teaches participants to think like an attacker while strengthening their defensive skills. Key topics include reconnaissance, scanning, exploitation, post-exploitation tactics, and malware analysis.

ادامه مطلب

The Advanced Penetration Testing Learning Path provides all the advanced skills required to carry out a thorough and professional penetration test against modern networks and infrastructure, such as the ability to execute state-sponsored-like operations and advanced adversary simulations.

You must be familiar with PowerShell scripting, Active Directory administration and Windows internals knowledge, basic reverse engineering skills, and possess a good working knowledge of network protocols, as the content dives into all stages of a red-teaming engagement.

Learning path at a glance:
-Implementation details on numerous undocumented attacks
-Obscure ways of exploitation and backdooring
-Advanced client-side exploitation techniques
-Custom attack vector and payload creation
-Custom payload creation techniques
-In-depth analysis of Active Directory exploitation
-Stealthy lateral movement and evasion against modern defenses
-In-depth analysis of critical domain infrastructure exploitation
-In-depth details of common misconfigurations and weaknesses
-Details for covert operations and stealthy persistence


ادامه مطلب

Interested in assessing and mitigating advanced web application risks an organization could potentially be exposed to? The Advanced Web Application Penetration Tester Professional Learning Path provides all the advanced skills necessary to carry out a thorough and advanced penetration test against modern web applications, as well as prepares you for the eWPTX exam and certification.

Learning Objective:

-Based on techniques professional pentesters use
-Master advanced Web Application attacks & security tools
-In-depth Web Application Vulnerabilities analysis
-Covers XSS, SQL Injection, HTML5, and much more
-In-depth obfuscation and encoding techniques
-Bypassing filters and WAF techniques included
-Explore HTML5 and XML attacks vectors and exploits
-Explore advanced PHP, Java, Deserialization, LDAP, Server Side, and Authentication/SSO attacks
-Learn effective API & Cloud-powered Application penetration testing
-Demystifies Java RCE internals, attacking RMI-based JMX services, JNDI injection attacks, PHP Objection Instantiation, PHP Type Juggling, constructing Property Oriented Programming chains, and attacking memory-unsafe languages


ادامه مطلب

Interested in learning how to assess and mitigate real-world web application vulnerabilities an organization could potentially be exposed to? The Web Application Penetration Testing Learning Path is a comprehensive and structured journey designed to equip aspiring penetration testers, Web App Security Professionals, Bug Bounty Hunters, and web developers with the essential skills and knowledge required to plan and perform a thorough and professional web application penetration test and how to effectively identify, exploit, and mitigate vulnerabilities in modern web applications. The Web Application Penetration Tester Professional Learning Path provides you with all the advanced skills required to carry out a thorough and professional penetration test against modern web applications, as well as prepares you for the eWPTv2 exam and certification.

Learning Objects

  1. Web Application Penetration Testing Methodology

  2. Information Gathering & Reconnaissance

  3. Web Application Analysis & Inspection

  4. Web Application Vulnerability Assessment

  5. Web Application Security Testing

  6. Manual exploitation of Common Web Application Vulnerabilities

  7. Web Service Security Testing


ادامه مطلب