دوره SEC542: Web App Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking

  • SANS
  • 4,577 بازدید
  • 2 نظر

SEC542 empowers students to quickly evaluate and expose security vulnerabilities in web applications, showcasing the potential business repercussions of exploitation. Gain practical experience in exploiting web apps within your enterprise, mastering attackers’ tools and methods. Through hands-on exercises you will learn a best practice process for web application penetration testing, inject SQL into back-end databases to learn how attackers exfiltrate sensitive data, and utilize cross-site scripting attacks to dominate a target infrastructure. 30+ Hands-on Labs


SEC542.1: Introduction and Information Gathering
SEC542.2: Fuzzing, Scanning, Authentication, and Session Testing
SEC542.3: Injection
SEC542.4: XSS, SSRF, and XXE
SEC542.5: CSRF, Logic Flaws and Advanced Tools
SEC542.6: Capture the Flag

SEC542: Web App Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking