This course helps create and understand low-level Linux attack paths, improve your Linux detection coverage, see in action many Open Source DFIR/defensive projects, and understand the need for Linux telemetry, especially including Kubernetes clusters where Runtime Security solutions are a must these days. The techniques and attack paths covered in this training include many different implementations of eBPF, XDP, Ftrace, Kprobe, Uprobe, Netfilter, Systemtap, PAM, SSHD, HTTPD/Nginx, LD_PRELOAD-based code samples, and PoCs. Detection and forensics layers include LKRG, bpftool, Velociraptor IR, OSQuery, CLI-based /proc/ and /sys/ analysis, memory forensics with Volatility 2/3 Framework with the semi-automated RAM acquisition, Sysmon4Linux, Falco, Tracee, Sysdig, Tetragon, Sandfly Security, Zeek IDS, Suricata IDS, Moloch/Arkime FPC, Yara rules and more.