This course aims to equip students with all of the fundamental security operations knowledge and practical skills needed in order to achieve and excel in a T1 or T2 SOC Analyst position. By covering topics such as phishing analysis, incident response procedures, threat detection techniques, log analysis, SIEM management, and security tool utilization, students will gain the essential competencies required to effectively monitor, analyze, and respond to security incidents within a SOC environment.

Students will be able to actively engage with the course material through bite-sized video demonstrations, written materials and references, quizzes to assess comprehension, and practical exercises that simulate real-world scenarios.

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Rust 101 provides you with everything you need to start learning the Rust programming language. This course was designed for complete beginners and those familiar with coding but want to expand their skill set.

The course covers core Rust topics, such as primitives, variables, functions, error handling, memory management, ownership, and so much more.

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Linux 101 provides you with everything you need to know to start using Linux. This course was designed for those having no experience using Linux, but wanting to learn how to use it. The course is packed with all the content usually taught in an introductory university course, but without all the filler content of a university course. It contains essential, practical information gained from over 20 years of experience using Linux and Unix systems for daily work.

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Welcome to this course on Practical Ethical Hacking. To enjoy this course, you need nothing but a positive attitude and a desire to learn. No prior hacking knowledge is required.

In this course, you will learn the practical side of ethical hacking. Too many courses teach students tools and concepts that are never used in the real world. In this course, we will focus only on tools and topics that will make you successful as an ethical hacker. The course is incredibly hands on and will cover many foundational topics.

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Movement, Pivoting, and Persistence for Pentesters and Ethical Hackers is the next step in YOUR penetration testing and ethical hacking journey.

Most engagements are conducted remotely, meaning that the tester must have the ability to move about freely from outside of the network into it. We do this using various techniques. Some of the simplest can be utilizing a compromised password to access a desktop environment via remote desktop and attempting to access other machines with those credentials. More complicated techniques include utilizing compromised endpoints to act as a proxy for us, forwarding traffic from internal targets back to our own.

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The Python 201 for Hackers course builds upon the Python 101 for Hackers course by moving beyond the basics. You will learn more advanced programming concepts and techniques, with a focus on how to use and apply Python as a Windows hacking tool.

Prior Python programming knowledge is required to be successful in this course. The Python 201 for Hackers course content will not cover or explain introductory Python concepts or techniques.

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