دوره SANS SEC201: Computing & Technology Essentials

  • SANS
  • 2,163 بازدید
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SEC201 provides students that have no or minimal prior knowledge, or those in need of a refresher, with an understanding of the architecture of modern computers and topics spanning how a CPU works, the addressing of memory and the hardware relationship with operating systems. SEC201 includes an introduction to both Windows and Linux, providing students with plenty of hands-on exercises to build their familiarity with the command line and move their knowledge beyond being a power user to actually understanding the underlying facets of a modern OS. SEC201 teaches logic, programming and scripting and introduces how each of these can lead to errors that allow security experts or cyber criminals to find faults and exploit them. SEC201 provides the perfect balance of hands-on labs and theory in order to ensure that students can study security effectively and put their hands on the keyboard, rather than just understanding theory.


  1. Computing Fundamentals
  2. Linux Fundamentals
  3. Windows Fundamentals
  4. Programming Fundamentals
  5. Security Fundamentals

 SANS SEC201: Computing & Technology Essentials