Here is a brief description of the Windows Kernel Programming Class Recordings course offered by Pavel Yosifovich : The course is designed to provide an in-depth understanding of Windows kernel programming. It covers topics such as Windows Internals Overview, Device Driver Basics, Kernel Mechanisms, and Miscellaneous Techniques. The course is divided into 9 modules and is approximately 32 hours long. The course materials include PDFs, labs, and solutions to the labs. The course recordings are available for purchase at a cost of 490 USD. If you’re interested in purchasing the course, you can send an email to with the title “Kernel Programming class recordings” 1. Once you’ve paid, you’ll receive a link to the course recordings along with the course materials. You’ll also receive a 10% discount for the Advanced Windows Kernel Programming class in April, be added to a discord server that will host all the Alumni from my public classes, and have a live session with Pavel sometime in early April where you can ask questions about the class .


  • Module 0: Introduction
  • Module 1: Windows Internals Overview
  • Module 2: The I/O System
  • Module 3: Device Driver Basics
  • Module 4: The I/O Request Packet
  • Module 5: Kernel Mechanisms
  • Module 6: Process and Thread Monitoring
  • Module 7: Object and Registry Notifications
  • Module 8: File System Mini-Filters Fundamentals
  • Module 9: Miscellaneous Techniques

ScorpioSoftware: Windows Kernel Programming

ادامه مطلب

Let’s make it short. You’re interested in Windows security, right? Otherwise you wouldn’t be here. You are either led by natural curiosity of security researcher or doing penetration testing professionally, or both. And maybe you need to get better understanding of how privilege escalation works in Microsoft environments. So here’s what’s in the course. It is indeed about escalating privileges in Windows. But it’s not only about getting SYSTEM, as there are other shades of that tactic. From the course you’ll learn about becoming another user, breaking out from Medium to High Integrity Level, or from High to System, and abusing privileges assigned to your access token to get more powers on the box. You will get access to a complete testing environment with many misconfigurations and vulnerable services plus code templates with full building toolchain. As we usually do in SEKTOR7 it’s a ready-to-use package prepared for any student who’s willing to take some time and experiment and learn new things. So if you’re still interested, get on board, relax and take a great journey through the world of Windows security. You’ll love it!


Intro and Setup


Unsecured Objects

Execution Flow Hijacking

Getting SYSTEM


RED TEAM Operator: Privilege Escalation in Windows Course

ادامه مطلب

Real threat actors utilize various Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (aka TTPs). One of the tactic is Persistence – a way to survive a breached machine restart and preserve access to a target environment. There is a lot of focus on what methods adversaries use to exploit a particular vulnerability or how their C2 channels and infrastructure look like. Less often you find discussions about persistence. This course is aiming to change that. You will learn almost 30 different persistence techniques working on Windows 10. Most of them were used by nation-state threat actors, like EquationGroup, Turla, APT29, ProjectSauron or malware, including Flame or Stuxnet. As usual you will get not only full explanation of each technique with examples, but also a working code templates (written in C) and a complete development environment you can experiment with.


Intro and Setup

Low Privilege Persistence

Admin Level Persistence


RED TEAM Operator: Windows Persistence Course

ادامه مطلب

In the modern enterprise Windows  environment we often encounter lots of obstacles, which try to detect and stop our sneaky tools and techniques. Endpoint protection agents (AV, IDS/IPS, EDR, etc.) are getting better and better at this, so this requires an extended effort in finding a way into the system and staying undetected during post-exploitation activities. This course will guide you though modern detection technology and teach how you can try to avoid it. This means understanding how the technology works and developing certain capabilities to stay under the radar. You will receive a virtual machine with complete environment for developing and testing your software, and a set of source code templates which will allow you to focus on understanding the essential mechanisms instead of less important technical aspects of implementation.


Intro and Setup
Non-privileged user vector
High-privileged user vector

RED TEAM Operator: Windows Evasion Course

ادامه مطلب

Advanced offensive security tool (OST) development topics for Windows user land only, including: hidden data storage, rootkit techniques, finding privileged objects in system memory, detecting new process creation, generating and handling exceptions, building COFFs and custom RPC-like instrumentation, and more.


Intro and Setup

Filesystem corners

Objects Enumeration in Memory

Global Hooks

Userland Rootkit Tech

Process Environment Block Manipulations

No-patch Hooking

Process Memory Hiding

Custom “RPC”

Common Object File Format

Custom Project

RED TEAM Operator: Malware Development Advanced

ادامه مطلب

This course builds on what you have learned so far by extending your development capabilities with:
  • playing with Process Environment Blocks and implementing our own function address resolution
  • more advanced code injection techniques
  • understanding how reflective binaries work and building custom reflective DLLs, either with source or binary only
  • in-memory hooking, capturing execution flow to block, monitor or evade functions of interest
  • grasping 32- and 64-bit processing and performing migrations between x86 and x64 processes
  • discussing inter process communication and how to control execution of multiple payloads

The course ends with a combined project, where you will create a custom dropper implementing discussed techniques.

You will receive a virtual machine with complete environment for developing and testing your software, and a set of source code templates which will allow you to focus on understanding the essential mechanisms instead of less important technical aspects of implementation.


Intro and Setup

PE madness

Code Injection

Reflective DLLs

x86 vs x64


Payload Control via IPC

Combined Project

RED TEAM Operator: Malware Development Intermediate Course

ادامه مطلب