The age of intelligent machines is here! We are now seeing Machine Learning disrupting every technological field including computer security. As more and more security products use Machine Learning, it is important as Pentesters and Security Researchers to understand how to make and break this technology!

ادامه مطلب

A good primer on OSINT, this course explains what Open Source Intelligence is and also covers types of OSINT sources, ethics and grey areas, useful tools available for OSINT information gathering including Google custom searches. The course will also cover cases and scenarios allowing the student to see how intelligence they have gathered can be used/ seen in different contexts. Students will also be exposed to tools like Maltego, FOCA and and work on labs where they will build their own fake/ puppet LinkedIn profile for intelligence gathering purposes, build a Google Custom Search Engine and gather intelligence on a large organization. Students will take away an appreciation for OSINT, why it needs to be a part of their toolbox, an intelligence gathering recipe and exposure to tools and techniques they can start using right away.

ادامه مطلب

We are now living in a Big Data world – billions of devices communicating over millions of networks and generating petabytes of data, both at rest and in transit! Security professionals now encounter Big Data in the form of large log files, network traffic captures, forensics of large images and exports from security tools and products. In this course, we will look at how to analyze, mangle, transform and visualize data to derive interesting insights and intelligence from it.

Pandas is a Python library which is part of SciPy scientific computing ecosystem. In simple terms, Pandas provides powerful data structures to perform data analysis. As dry as this might initially sound, due to the high level of abstraction provided by its powerful API, Pandas allows us to do really complicated analysis with just a few lines of Python code.

In this course, we will go through the basics of Numpy, a deep dive into Pandas Series and Dataframes and how to analyze data with it. The case study used is analysis of Wi-Fi networks using Airodump-NG’s output file for a relatively large network with hundreds of devices.

ادامه مطلب

This course will familiarize students with all aspects of Windows forensics.By the end of this course students will be able to perform live analysis, capture volatile data, make images of media, analyze filesystems, analyze network traffic, analyze files, perform memory analysis, and analyze malware for a Windows subject on a Linux system with readily available free and open source tools.  Students will also gain an in-depth understanding of how Windows works under the covers.

Pentester Academy – Windows Forensics

ادامه مطلب

The PowerShell For Penetration Testers (PFPT) is an online course designed for teaching PowerShell to penetration testers, system administrators and other security professionals. You will be able to use and write tools in PowerShell which is installed by default of all modern Windows operating systems. The course will be of interest for anyone who wants to know more about using PowerShell for security research, penetration testing and red teaming. The course covers various phases of a penetration testing and PowerShell is used to enhance techniques in the each phase.

ادامه مطلب

This course will familiarize students with all aspects of Linux forensics. By the end of this course students will be able to perform live analysis, capture volatile data, make images of media, analyze filesystems, analyze network traffic, analyze files, perform memory analysis, and analyze malware all on a Linux system with readily available free and open source tools. Students will also gain an in-depth understanding of how Linux works under the covers.

ادامه مطلب