دسته: موسسه های دیگر

The Bug Bounty Hunter Job Role Path is for individuals who want to enter the world of Bug Bounty Hunting with little to no prior experience. This path covers core web application security assessment and bug bounty hunting concepts and provides a deep understanding of the attack tactics used during bug bounty hunting. Armed with the necessary theoretical background, multiple practical exercises, and a proven bug bounty hunting methodology, students will go through all bug bounty hunting stages, from reconnaissance and bug identification to exploitation, documentation, and communication to vendors/programs. Upon completing this job role path, you will have become proficient in the most common bug bounty hunting and attack techniques against web applications and be in the position of professionally reporting bugs to a vendor.

ادامه مطلب

The Penetration Tester Job Role Path is for newcomers to information security who aspire to become professional penetration testers. This path covers core security assessment concepts and provides a deep understanding of the specialized tools, attack tactics, and methodology used during penetration testing. Armed with the necessary theoretical background and multiple practical exercises, students will go through all penetration testing stages, from reconnaissance and enumeration to documentation and reporting. Upon completing this job role path, you will have obtained the practical skills and mindset necessary to perform professional security assessments against enterprise-level infrastructure at an intermediate level. The Information Security Foundations skill path can be considered prerequisite knowledge to be successful while working through this job role path.

ادامه مطلب

Hacking Modern Web apps by 7ASecurity is a 100% hands-on deep dive into the OWASP Security Testing Guide and relevant items of the OWASP Application Security Verification Standard (ASVS), so this course covers and goes beyond the OWASP Top Ten.

Modern Web apps share traditional attack vectors and also introduce new opportunities to threat actors. This course will teach you how to review modern web apps, showcasing Node.js but using techniques that will also work against any other web Apps platform. Ideal for Penetration Testers, Web Apps Developers as well as everybody interested in JavaScript/Node.js and Modern app stack security.

ادامه مطلب

This course helps create and understand low-level Linux attack paths, improve your Linux detection coverage, see in action many Open Source DFIR/defensive projects, and understand the need for Linux telemetry, especially including Kubernetes clusters where Runtime Security solutions are a must these days. The techniques and attack paths covered in this training include many different implementations of eBPF, XDP, Ftrace, Kprobe, Uprobe, Netfilter, Systemtap, PAM, SSHD, HTTPD/Nginx, LD_PRELOAD-based code samples, and PoCs. Detection and forensics layers include LKRG, bpftool, Velociraptor IR, OSQuery, CLI-based /proc/ and /sys/ analysis, memory forensics with Volatility  2/3 Framework with the semi-automated RAM acquisition, Sysmon4Linux, Falco, Tracee, Sysdig, Tetragon, Sandfly Security, Zeek IDS, Suricata IDS, Moloch/Arkime FPC, Yara rules and more.

ادامه مطلب

Dark Web: Ultimate Guide (retired in 2019) is a comprehensive course that aimed to teach users how to navigate and make purchases on the dark web safely. It included lessons on Tails, Tor, Bitcoin, PGP encryption, and operational security.

ادامه مطلب

Tor Mastery: The Ultimate Guide to Unlocking the Dark Web course is an in-depth guide designed to help users safely navigate and utilize Tor for privacy and security on the dark web. Covering everything from basic Tor setup to advanced features like running a Tor node, integrating Tor with code, and using Tor for anonymous communication.

ادامه مطلب