دوره Junior Penetration Tester (eJPTv2)

  • iNE
  • 6,300 بازدید
  • 0 نظر

INE Security’s eJPT is for entry-level Penetration testers that validates that the individual has the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to fulfill a role as a junior penetration tester.

This certification exam covers Assessment Methodologies, Host and Network Auditing, Host and Network Penetration Testing, and Web Application Penetration Testing.

This exam is designed to be the first milestone certification for someone with little to no experience in cybersecurity, simulating the skills utilized during a real-world engagement. This exam truly shows that the candidate has what it takes to be part of a high-performing penetration testing team.

Learning path at a glance:

  • Locate endpoints on a network
  • Identify open ports and services on a target
  • Identify operating system of a target
  • Extract company information from public sources
  • Gather email addresses from public sources
  • Gather technical information from public sources
  • Identify vulnerabilities in services
  • Evaluate information and criticality or impact of vulnerabilities
  • Compile information from files on target
  • Enumerate network information from files on target
  • Enumerate system information on target
  • Gather user account information on target
  • Transfer files to and from target
  • Gather hash/password information from target
  • Identify and modify exploits
  • Conduct exploitation with metasploit
  • Demonstrate pivoting by adding a route and by port forwarding
  • Conduct brute-force password attacks and hash cracking
  • Identify vulnerabilities in web applications
  • Locate hidden file and directories
  • Conduct brute-force login attack
  • Conduct web application reconnaissance
