نویسنده: Admin

Injection flaws have dominated web application vulnerability lists since time immemorial. And despite OWASP reducing their ranking from 1 to 3, they are still one of the most devastating web application vulnerabilities. Efforts have been made for years to secure applications against related attacks, from new frameworks to new defensive techniques. A lot has been done, but is it enough? This course enables you to walk through dozens of hacklabs and learn how – despite defensive efforts – injection flaws persist, with drastic effects on application security. Get into the attacker mindset for 2 days and deploy over 30 fresh and novel injection attacks via our state-of-the-art hacklabs. This practical course is packed with information and delivered by professional penetration testers, well-versed in web hacking from their years of experience in the wild. By the time you leave, you’ll understand how to deploy attacks using complex injection flaws. This course will be delivered virtually.

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Ready to take bug hunting to a deeper level? Been tasked with reviewing source for SQL Injection, XSS, Access Control and other security flaws? Does the idea of reviewing this code leave you with heartburn? This course introduces a proven methodology and framework for performing a secure code review, as well as addressing common challenges in modern secure code review. Short circuit developing individual secure code review techniques by gleaning from Seth & Ken’s past adventures in performing hundreds of code reviews and the lessons we’ve learned along the way. We will share a proven methodology to perform security analysis of any source code repository and suss out security flaws, no matter the size of the code base, or the framework, or the language.

Next-level Bug Hunting – Code Edition (2021)

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Digital forensics and incident response are two of the most critical fields in all of information security. The staggering number of reported breaches in the last several years has shown that the ability to rapidly respond to attacks is a vital capability for all organizations. Unfortunately, the standard IT staff member is simply unable to effectively respond to security incidents. Successful handling of these situations requires specific training in a number of deeply technical areas including file systems, operating system design, and knowledge of possible network and host attack vectors.  During this training, students will learn how to approach digital investigations in a manner that allows for immediate forensic exploitation of relevant data both in-memory and on-disk. Significant hands-on experience during labs will train students to analyze the same types of evidence and situations that they will encounter in real-world investigations. This class is structured so that a specific analysis technique is discussed and then the students immediately analyze staged evidence using their newly gained knowledge. Not only does this approach reinforce the material learned, but it also gives students a number of new skills as the course proceeds. Upon completion of the training, students will be able to effectively analyze a large number of digital evidence sources, including both on-disk and in-memory data, using the latest and most effective forensics tools and techniques. These skills will be immediately usable in a number of investigative scenarios and will greatly enhance even experienced investigators’ skillset. Students will also leave with media that contains all the tools and resources used throughout the training.

Digital Forensics And Incident Response – Tactical Edition (2021)

ادامه مطلب

The course introduces students to exploit development in MIPS processor architecture. Exploit development on MIPS processor hasn’t seen the attention that other architectures such as x86 and ARM got. With the growing IoT devices, we have been seeing many embedded devices with MIPS architecture alongside ARM. Exploit development is getting harder and harder with exploit mitigation techniques in place. But, the good news is that it is not impossible to write working exploits as exploit mitigation techniques do not fix the underlying problem in the vulnerable source code. This practical training starts with the basics of MIPS Architecture and slowly moves towards writing own shell code and creating working exploits using Return Oriented Programming for a given target binary. To give a sense of real exploitation, real world examples will be discussed with proof of concept exploits. By the end of this training, students will be able to write Memory corruption exploits for MIPS architecture, understand how Return Oriented Programming can be used in MIPS for modern day exploit development and bypass some of the most common exploit mitigation techniques such as ASLR.


  • Introduction to MIPS Architecture
  • An overview of QEMU MIPS setup
  • MIPS compared to x86 and ARM
  • Basics of GDB
  • Basics of MIPS assembly language
  • Debugging MIPS Binaries
  • Introduction to Memory corruption attacks
  • Writing MIPS shellcode
  • Avoiding Bad characters
  • Stack based Buffer Overflows in MIPS
  • Ret2Libc in MIPS
  • Dealing with MIPS cache incoherence
  • Exploit Mitigation techniques
  • Return Oriented Programming
  • Bypassing ASLR
  • Introduction to Heap overflows in MIPS

Exploit Development For MIPS (2022)

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Stay frosty within AWS, Azure, & GCP environments with this fast-paced and hands-on course which teaches each participant the Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs) needed to infiltrate and expand access within cloud platforms. In this course you will: Exploit serverless (e.g. Lambda, Azure Functions) applications for initial access into targets. Pivot between data and control planes to expand access (e.g. secrets, snapshots) Evade and disrupt cloud logging platforms (e.g. CloudTrail) to remain undetected. Breach and backdoor boundaries (e.g. VPCs) to access hard to reach systems. Expanding access within Kubernetes (K8s) envs (e.g. GCP bypass of metadata protections) Compete throughout the course in our hands-on Capture the Flag (CTF) tournament!

Astute AWS/Azure/GCP Cloud Red Team: It’s Raining Shells! – 2021

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